Monday, April 27, 2015

Flat Tax or Flat Tire

I think that a flat tax would be best that way the poor are giving less and the rich are giving more. The website says that with a flat tax people would not get tax advantaged instead they would have to pay the normal rate everyone else would have to pay. So this would get rid of people cheating on taxes, the smart and the rich finding loopholes so they would not have to pay as much, even though money is not a problem for them. Most argue that this would be worse for the poor because of how much more they would be paying with a flat tax then the progressive tax right now. The poor are most that work minimum wage jobs because they have chosen not to continue their education and make more money. Even without an education you can get jobs now that pay more than minimum wage that you can easily live off of. There are many of rich people that have been born into money and a flat tax would make them pay their share that they did not make. Then there are the rich and the middle class business owners that would be paying their share of the earning they have made from there successful careers. Yet it is still a lot more that what a poor person would be paying. Going to college gets you a degree in what you need and also colleges help you find jobs. You have good odds of getting a job right out of college that is high paying and you would never have to worry about not making enough to support yourself or a family after paying taxes. That is why I think a flat tax would be best over the fair tax and the current progressive tax.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Germans and the Japanese

The Rape of Nanking was Japanese soldiers practicing fighting technics on Chinese civilians. They practiced bayonetting on civilians and also soaked them in gasoline and burned them. Women were raped then killed. Pregnant women would get their babies cut out of them. This is just as bad as the holocaust. But I think that what the Japanese did to the Chinese civilians is way worse than the holocaust. The holocaust was the killing of Jewish people by Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis made the Jews do death marches to new camps many died on these marches. Nazis also used gas chambers to kill Jews. Jews were also starved and worked to death.

Dr. Mengele and Ishii

Dr. Mengele was a Nazi doctor at a death camp with the nickname Angel of Death. He would torture Jewish kids by putting them into pressure chambers, test drugs on them, castrate them, and freeze them to death. He was the deciding factor if people that were coming to the death camps were going straight to their death or going to live in the camp till they die. All he had to do is wave his stick to the left. Dr. Mengele worked on twins that came to the death camps. He would sew them together, dissect their bodies, and try to change their eye color. He would also perform surgeries without anesthesia. Mengele eventually moved to South America but never stayed in one country because he feared of getting caught. He died 1979 from having a stroke while swimming and drowned.

Dr. Ishii set up Unit 731. Unit 731 is a biological warfare unit. It was called a lumber mill so people would not know what actually went on in the building. In this place they tested germs on people. There were no survivors from Unit 731. When Dr. Ishii was doing an experiment and needed an organ, guards would go get a prisoner and bring back the organ that he wanted. The prisoners would get gassed to see what would happen to their lungs and slowly electrically charged. In Unit 731 they tried to find ways the best treatment for frostbite. Prisoners were also used to test our weapons. Dr Ishii died from throat cancer at age 67.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

President Richard Nixon
I think that Richard Nixon was an average president. He did a lot of good things along with many bad things. No president can accomplish good without ending up getting into something bad. Henry Kissinger was Richard Nixon’s security advisor and eventually became secretary of state.

Richard Nixon’s Foreign Policy had many successes. Nixon used détente with Soviet Union to release tensions with them. Nixon made a historical moment by recognizing the government of the people of China and he was the first American inside the borders of China. The Ping Pong Diplomacy happened in the early 1970’s. It was when the American ping pong team got to play against china’s ping pong team. Having relations with china was very important. It put pressure on the Soviet Union to limiting antiballistic missiles. Eventually Nixon succeeded limiting production of missiles and eased tension with the Soviet Union. The meeting that Nixon had with the Soviet Union was the Salt I or Strategic Arms Limitations Talk. The United State, China, and Russia all agreed on the Triangular Diplomacy. Nixon had a process called Veitnamization. This process sought to save American lives and expenses through gradual with drawl of forces and support from the Vietnam War. When the United State started to support Israel the Arab nations declare on October 19 that they would not sell oil to the United States. When this happened the price of a barrel of oil in the United States nearly quadrupled. This was the first time in history that oil was used as a political and economic weapon. During the Indo-Pakistani war in 1971 the Soviet Union supported the supported the Indian army, thinking that it would weaken the United States and China. Richard Nixon was afraid Chile would become another Chile, so the United States cut off foreign aid to Chile trying to get their president to resign. Nixon created domestic policies to stop the government from spending money they do not have and ended up putting the country in a recession. During this time it caused a lot of inflation and unemployment. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) started enforcing and making laws to protect human health and the environment. The equal right amendment was designed to guarantee equal rights for women. The Watergate scandal started when a 7,000 page documentation of the Vietnam War. After this a unit was created to keep internal security and they were called plumber. On June 17, 1972, 5 men were arrested while attempting to buy the headquarters of the Democratic Party. 2 news reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were investigative reporters that open the Watergate Scandal to the public. A person that went by the name of Deep Throat was a secret source that gave the information to the reporters. Rosemary Woods was a secretary that tried to demonstrate how she accidentally erased the tape of a conversation that could of opened up everything about the Watergate Scandal. The Judge Sirica did not believe this and she was punished. After the Watergate scandal out opened up Nixon soon resigned and became the first president to ever resign and is still the only president to resign.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thoughts on Capitalism

Capitalism is a system in which private or corporate wealth is used in the production and distribution of goods. This results in the private owners getting a profit. Capitalism started in the 17th century. Right away the merchants were the same as the consumers and producers. Soon the merchants began to become more powerful. Waged workers were a big stage in the development of capitalism. The merchants began to trade and start to control the means of production. This created a new stage called primitive capitalists and they have more power over waged workers. Capitalism started the cottage industry, which was mini factories in homes and the production was controlled by capitalist. The population went through a violent conditioning process. The new capitalists needed to pressure production to get more for less. So they could make more on trading to increase their profits. As capitalism grew the feudal economic system lost its power and disappeared. Capitalist got the idea to make a factory owned by them for people to work at so they did not have to work in their cottage. With people now working in factories capitalist could pay them little to work. They could now also make shifts for people to work to get maximum productivity. The factory could now be running all the time having people change shifts. This lead to the capitalist able to make more product and increased profits. The making of factories led to the industrial revolution. During the industrial revolution the steam engine was made. The steam engine replaced workers. This save money for the capitalist, they no longer had to pay people to make things they now had machine that could also do it quicker. Now in modern day this has helped with countries communicating and trading.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

John Adams Democracy Quote

John Adams said “Democracy ... while it lasts, is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There was never a democracy that did not commit suicide.” This quote that John Adams said is very true. Democracy is a government where the people are in control. When people are in control not everyone will agree on the same things. This leads to fighting and a lot of time wasted in trying to find a compromise that everyone can agree on rather than trying to fix other important problem. Even when a compromise is made there will still be people that are not happy with the results, but can not do anything about it once it is done. Monarchy is a government controlled by one or two people, which would be a king or a queen. Monarchy was the most common form of government before the 19th century. People do not have any kind of say in a monarchy. Whatever the king or queen wants to do they can do it, and the people can argue all they want but it will never change. When the king or queen, makes a new law the people know they can not do anything about it, so they just deal with it and move on with their life. Aristocracy is a government where people in the highest class of society normally holding hereditary titles or offices have the most power in decisions. It is very close to monarchy other than there is a group that has power instead of a single person. There are hardly ever arguments that are heard of in a monarchy and aristocracy, but in a democracy there are always arguments that are going on. All of these types of governments have goods and bads about them. In a democracy, the government gets to hear what the views on a problem are by the people, which help them find a way to fix it. In aristocracy and monarchy the rulers get to choose what they want and the people do not get a choice in it. This could make the people angry and they could end up rebelling.

Monday, January 5, 2015


The British Parliament was a bicameral government. The Americans in the colonies new the system of bicameralism well enough that all but two of the thirteen colonies started bicameralism. As years went on one of the two colonies that were unicameral changed to bicameral. The Framers were bicameral to solve conflict between plans. The states wanted equal voice in the congress and bicameralism takes after federalism. Federalism gave equal rights in the Senate and the House.

I think that it was a good thing that we have a bicameral government with the states being equally represented. So that the bigger states do not over power decision that will help or not help them. With having to houses it makes it unable for a single house to gain too much power and control over things.