Monday, September 29, 2014

Bowling for Columbine

The last couple of days we watched Bowling for Columbine. It is a documentary done by Michael Moore, it is about the massacre at Columbine school. He asked question after question to people about guns laws, the 2nd amendment, and media.

With the media showing many shooting murders and countries using violence to solve problem, I think that it influences people to exercise the 2nd amendment in being able to own a gun. I think that being able to own a gun is fine, but some people keep it loaded in their homes at all times and I do not think you should be able to keep it should be able to be loaded unless you are using it. I also do not think that guns kill people I think that people kill people. In the news all the murders are not only from guns, there are stabbings, and car accidents. So if there were no guns at all people would find other means to kill people. Some murder cases with weapons the murderer has something wrong with them in the head or they did it to end something. With these cases it is not cause of the gun that the person died it is because the murderer had something wrong with them.

I think that school need to become safer and have speeches about guns and what they are supposed to be used for. I think that schools should keep all class room doors and outside doors locked at all times. If people want to come in the school I think that the secretary should have to go let them in or buzz them in if they have an electronic door. They should also have a security camera facing the front door to help notify people if a person is coming in with a weapon.

Obama made 23 gun safety laws a month after the Columbine shooting. So now if you want to buy a weapon you have to have a background check before you can get the weapon. You can also no longer buy military type assault rifle or large clip. I think that Obama did the right thing with these laws and I also thing that there will be more laws that will be against guns, but I do not think they will ever be able to stop people from killing since people kill people and weapons do not kill people.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about the buying of assault weapons. You can still buy an ar-15. As far as keeping a loaded gun-how do you control that.
