Thursday, December 11, 2014


The first article that I read about torturing terrorist to get information out of them was surprising. I never thought they did that severe of things to them just to get them to give information. I do not think that they should use a certain kind of torture or interrogation if it does not work on more than two people. If it does not work then there is no point in using it. I do think the ways that they torture them was a bit too extreme, considering that some died from the torture. If you kill them from the torturing there would have been no reason for the torturing in the first place.

On the second article it said that they paid two people an extremely large amount of money just to think of some torturing tactics. I think in order to be able to even get paid to think or torturing tactics you should have to specialize in knowing about all major terrorist groups and have taken the SERE program. If you get paid to think of ways to torture, they should have to be new and never heard of. Not things that have been used for many centuries.

The article that I found tells about the secret order that President Bush signed about a week after September. In the order he never specified how they should treat or interrogate these terrorists that could have very important information. They first thought of giving the detainees the same right and protections as detainees in a maximum security prison. The interrogations would not have painful questioning. I think if they would have gone through with this plan, which is what they first thought of it would have been a lot better. There would not have been as much torturing and other ways of torturing could have been thought of that would not have been so cruel.

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