Thursday, December 11, 2014


The first article that I read about torturing terrorist to get information out of them was surprising. I never thought they did that severe of things to them just to get them to give information. I do not think that they should use a certain kind of torture or interrogation if it does not work on more than two people. If it does not work then there is no point in using it. I do think the ways that they torture them was a bit too extreme, considering that some died from the torture. If you kill them from the torturing there would have been no reason for the torturing in the first place.

On the second article it said that they paid two people an extremely large amount of money just to think of some torturing tactics. I think in order to be able to even get paid to think or torturing tactics you should have to specialize in knowing about all major terrorist groups and have taken the SERE program. If you get paid to think of ways to torture, they should have to be new and never heard of. Not things that have been used for many centuries.

The article that I found tells about the secret order that President Bush signed about a week after September. In the order he never specified how they should treat or interrogate these terrorists that could have very important information. They first thought of giving the detainees the same right and protections as detainees in a maximum security prison. The interrogations would not have painful questioning. I think if they would have gone through with this plan, which is what they first thought of it would have been a lot better. There would not have been as much torturing and other ways of torturing could have been thought of that would not have been so cruel.

Monday, October 13, 2014

The 28th Amendment

I think that the 28th amendment should be no person can be elected for Governor more than 2 terms or 8 years.

I think this amendment would be a good addition to the constitution. Having a term limit for governor would have the same effect as the term limit of the President. It would allow new people to come in with new ideas. Then we would not be having the same person be governor for his or her life till they retire.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bowling for Columbine

The last couple of days we watched Bowling for Columbine. It is a documentary done by Michael Moore, it is about the massacre at Columbine school. He asked question after question to people about guns laws, the 2nd amendment, and media.

With the media showing many shooting murders and countries using violence to solve problem, I think that it influences people to exercise the 2nd amendment in being able to own a gun. I think that being able to own a gun is fine, but some people keep it loaded in their homes at all times and I do not think you should be able to keep it should be able to be loaded unless you are using it. I also do not think that guns kill people I think that people kill people. In the news all the murders are not only from guns, there are stabbings, and car accidents. So if there were no guns at all people would find other means to kill people. Some murder cases with weapons the murderer has something wrong with them in the head or they did it to end something. With these cases it is not cause of the gun that the person died it is because the murderer had something wrong with them.

I think that school need to become safer and have speeches about guns and what they are supposed to be used for. I think that schools should keep all class room doors and outside doors locked at all times. If people want to come in the school I think that the secretary should have to go let them in or buzz them in if they have an electronic door. They should also have a security camera facing the front door to help notify people if a person is coming in with a weapon.

Obama made 23 gun safety laws a month after the Columbine shooting. So now if you want to buy a weapon you have to have a background check before you can get the weapon. You can also no longer buy military type assault rifle or large clip. I think that Obama did the right thing with these laws and I also thing that there will be more laws that will be against guns, but I do not think they will ever be able to stop people from killing since people kill people and weapons do not kill people.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Child Abuse with NFL players

I think that child abuse is when you leave a serious mark left on a child after you discipline them. All the cases in the news recently about NFL players with child abuse and domestic violence have got people stirred up. Some say that the NFL should not be able to ban or suspend the players for this and let the law take care of it. I think that the NFL should be allowed to suspend the players until the case has been closed.

Adrian Pederson is fighting of a case of child abuse on his son. After disciplining his child with a stick because he said that’s what his father did to him for discipline. Now he is suspended from doing anything that is associated with the Minnesota Vikings until he has been found guilty or not guilty. With this case I think they are doing the right thing with suspending him till his trial.

NFL is a business and the players are pretty much working for them, so they should be able to decide on suspension or not, because the player has done something illegal. I do not think that they should be able to ban a player from the NFL from child abuse or domestic violence.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Lincoln Movie

Last week in class we watched the movie Lincoln, it was about Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. After watching the movie some people thing that Abraham Lincoln abused his powers, but then if he did abuse his powers what about our present President Barak Obama? Is he abusing his executive powers in passing many laws without letting people vote on them? Or is he doing this for the good of the country?

Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, during this time he did not think about ending slavery. Two year later Lincoln was trying to pass the 13th amendment, which was to abolish slavery. In this two year period slaves were taking over plantations. The civil war was also going on and slaves were helping fight. I think that passing the amendment was a war effort by Lincoln that helped end the war. The movie showed him more of abusing his powers with sending people out to make representatives change their vote during slavery. There is no evidence that he did have to have people persuade representative to change their minds.

With our President Barak Obama passing very many laws that are dealt with guns and the safety of them. Some people think that he went out of his executive power when he put these laws into effect without letting the people vote on them, but I think that he did it for the safety of the people. He has passed 37 executive orders in his presidency for far. People think that it is out of his power with how many he has passed, but I do not think that it is how many laws he has put into effect, but I think it is what laws he is making.

I think that Abraham Lincoln and Barak Obama did not go out of their executive orders. I believe that they passed the laws for the good of the people. In the movie Lincoln they shouldn’t have had the part when he sent people out to change the vote of the representatives. I think this part made people think that Lincoln when out of his powers to get laws passed. I do not think that people should think bad of Lincoln based off of this movie.